Phones in Peru

Phones in Peru

Peru - Find Mobiles and Phone Companies
Peru - Find Phone Numbers. Mobile Companies and Packs, Internet Services. List of Country Codes, City and Area Codes. International dial codes. Reverse lookup. Search by phone number.
Peru - How to dial to Peru? - The dial code is: +51 to Peru PE / PER
Peru - How to dial to Peru? - The dial code is: +51 to Peru PE / PER
Country Code : +51 -
- International Call Prefix : 00 -
- Trunk Prefix : 0 -
1Geographic numbers
1.1Example calls
2The new mobile numbers system
3Special numbers
Geographic numbers
Most area codes inPeruchanged on 1 March 2003, providing an area code for eachregion(national subdivision).
Peruvian area codes are two digits long except for Lima (area code 1).
Also on that date, '9' was prefixed to existing mobile numbers.
Mobile subscriber numbers are now eight digits inLima* (+51 1 - 9xxx xxxx - ) and seven digits elsewhere (+51 xx - 9xx xxxx - ).
For international calls use 00 prefix from fixed lines, and + prefix from mobiles.
For national long-distance calls use 0 prefix from any line.
[ Example calls
From Lima to USA:
* Fixed line: 00 1 (phone number)
* Mobile: + 1 (phone number)
From Lima to Cuzco:
* Fixed line/mobile: 0 84 (phone number)
The new mobile numbers system
The mobile numbers changed from April 5, 2008 mainly because of the rapid increase in usage of the mobile internet in Peru. In the new numbering system all the mobile telephone numbers have nine digits (in the old system were used eight digits for Lima, and seven digits for the rest of regions). The changes are as follows.
InLima : You have to prefix - 9 - to your old eight digit mobile number:
(1) yxxxxxxx becomes (1) - 9 - yxxxxxxx
InArequipa,La Libertad,LambayequeandPiuraregions, you have to prefix the following digits to your old seven digit mobile number:
InArequipaprefix - 95 - [(54) xxxxxxx becomes (54) - 95 - xxxxxxx]
InLa Libertadprefix - 94 - [(44) xxxxxxx becomes (44) - 94 - xxxxxxx]
InLambayequeprefix - 97 - [(74) xxxxxxx becomes (74) - 97 - xxxxxxx] and
InPiuraprefix - 96 - [(73) xxxxxxx becomes (73) - 96 - xxxxxxx]
In the rest of the regions you have to change the 9 of your old seven digit mobile number into a three digit code (9 + regional code):
InAmazonasthe (41) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (41) - 941 - xxxxxx
InAncashthe (43) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (43) - 943 - xxxxxx
InApurimacthe (83) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (83) - 983 - xxxxxx
InAyacuchothe (66) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (66) - 966 - xxxxxx
InCajamarcathe (76) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (76) - 976 - xxxxxx
InCuscothe (84) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (84) - 984 - xxxxxx
InHuancavelicathe (67) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (67) - 967 - xxxxxx
InHuánucothe (62) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (62) - 962 - xxxxxx
InIcathe (56) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (56) - 956 - xxxxxx
InJunínthe (64) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (64) - 964 - xxxxxx
InLoretothe (65) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (65) - 965 - xxxxxx
InMadre de Diosthe (82) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (82) - 982 - xxxxxx
InMoqueguathe (53) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (53) - 953 - xxxxxx
InPascothe (63) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (63) - 963 - xxxxxx
InPunothe (51) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (51) - 951 - xxxxxx
InSan Martínthe (42) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (42) - 942 - xxxxxx
InTacnathe (52) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (52) - 952 - xxxxxx
InTumbesthe (72) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (72) - 972 - xxxxxx and
InUcayalithe (61) - 9 - xxxxxx changes for (61) - 961 - xxxxxx
Special numbers
103 is the telephone information number
105 is the Police Emergency Number
. Telephone numbers in Peru General information and updated references
Telecommunications in Peru


Company : Claro
Website :  Claro

Phone : 0800 00200
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Claro Perú

Claro Perú is a major telecommunications provider in Peru and offers a variety of services, from mobile communications to Internet access. Its commitment to quality and innovation ensures that people and businesses stay connected. Hire the best residential Internet service, fiber optics, TV and more at Claro. Claro Peru is one of the main telecommunications companies in the country. As part of the América Móvil family, Claro Perú has stood out for its extensive coverage, innovation in communication services and commitment to the connectivity of Peruvians.

Services Offered:

Claro Peru offers a wide range of telecommunications services, including mobile telephony, landline telephony, high-speed Internet services and subscription television. Additionally, Claro has played a key role in the development of 4G and 4.5G networks in the country, ensuring faster and more reliable connectivity.

Coverage and Scope:

The company has stood out for its extensive coverage in Peru, allowing Peruvians, whether in urban or rural areas, to access quality telecommunications services. This infrastructure is essential to bridge the digital divide in the country.

Investment in Technology:

Claro Perú has invested significantly in the expansion of its infrastructure and in the implementation of cutting-edge technologies. This translates into a faster and more reliable network for your customers, making communication and access to information easier.

Social Responsibility:

In addition to its focus on connectivity, Claro Perú has also actively participated in social responsibility initiatives. These initiatives include programs to bring connectivity to rural areas and provide access to education and information.


Claro Perú plays an essential role in the connectivity of Peruvians, by providing a wide range of telecommunications services and investing in cutting-edge technology. Its commitment to social responsibility and the expansion of coverage has contributed significantly to connectivity in the country, facilitating communication and access to information throughout Peru.

Plans :


    Online discount: Get a 20% discount on the fixed charge for 3 months when you switch to the plan.

    Gigs: Includes 180 GB of high-speed data.

    International coverage.

  • UNLIMITED ALL Plan S/ 69.90:

    Online discount: Get a 20% discount on the fixed charge for 3 months.

    Gigs at high speed: Includes 95 GB.

    International coverage.

  • UNLIMITED ALL Plan S/ 289.90:

    Discount: Get a 20% discount on the fixed charge for 3 months when you switch to this plan online.

    Gigabytes in high speed of the plan: 190 GB.

    Gigs in high speed with FullClaro: 285 GB (additional in high speed).

    International coverage.


    20% discount on the fixed charge for the first 3 months if you switch online.

    Includes unlimited gigabytes, minutes and SMS.

    Amount of gigabytes in high speed: 105 GB.

    International coverage in Latin American countries and the Andean Zone.

  • Max Unlimited Plan S/ 95.90:

    Gigabytes in high speed of the plan: 130 GB.

    International coverage: You can use part of your Max plan in 14 countries in Latin America and the United States.

    In addition, now you can use all the gigabytes, minutes and SMS of your Max plan in Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia.


    Discount: Get a 20% discount on the fixed charge for the first 3 months when you switch to this online plan.

    Gigs at high speed: 140 GB.

    International coverage.

  • Unlimited Everything Plan S/ 159.90:

    Discount: Get 20% off the fixed charge for 3 months when you switch online.

    Gigabytes at high speed: 160 GB.

    International coverage: Latin America, Andean Zone and the United States.

Prepaid : Megabyte Packages:

  • Price S/6 - Unlimited Internet until 11:59pm on the activation day.

  • Price S/3 - 200 MB for 2 days.

  • Price S/5 - 1.3 GB for 5 days.

  • Price S/10 - 3.01 GB for 10 days.

  • Price S/20 - 3 GB for 20 days.

  • Price S/30 - 4.5 GB for 30 days.

  • Price S/120 - 20 GB for 30 days (valid for router).

  • Price S/190 - 40 GB for 30 days (valid for router).

SMS packages:

  • Price S/1 - Unlimited SMS until 11:59pm on the activation day.

  • Price S/1 - 30 SMS for 2 days.

  • Price S/1 - 50 SMS for 1 day.

  • Price S/3 - 100 SMS for 4 days.

  • Price S/5 - 200 SMS for 5 days.

  • Price S/3 - Unlimited SMS and calls for 1 day.

  • Price S/5 - Unlimited SMS and calls for 3 days.

  • Price S/10 - Unlimited SMS and calls for 6 days.

Social Media Packages:

  • Price S/1 - Facebook valid for photos and videos for 1 day.

  • Price S/5 - Facebook valid for photos and videos for 6 days.

  • Price S/20 - Facebook valid for photos and videos for 30 days.

  • Price S/1 - Valid for Facebook photos and videos for 1 day.

Social Media and Video Packages:

  • Price S/3 - Unlimited use for 6 hours.

  • Price S/5 - 10 GB to use the application for 7 days.

  • Price S/3 - Use in 4G and 4.5G coverage for 3 hours.

  • Price S/3 - Facebook valid for photos and videos with 150 MB for 1 day.

Exclusive Online Packages:

  • Price S/3 - Internet 150 MB, unlimited SMS, Facebook valid for photos for 2 days.

  • Price S/5 - Internet 300 MB, unlimited RPC and SMS, Facebook valid for photos for 4 days.

  • Price S/10 - Internet 1 GB, unlimited RPC and SMS, Facebook valid for photos for 7 days.

  • Price S/20 - Internet 2 GB, unlimited RPC and SMS, Facebook valid for photos for 12 days.

  • Price S/30 - Internet 3 GB, unlimited RPC and SMS, Facebook valid for photos for 20 days.

Prepaid Teleworking Packages:

  • Teleworking 1 GB - Price S/6 for 3 days, valid for Ms Teams, Webex, Zoom.

  • Teleworking 2 GB - Price S/9 for 5 days, valid for Ms Teams, Webex, Zoom.

  • Teleworking 3 GB - Price S/12 for 5 days, valid for Ms Teams, Webex, Zoom.

  • Teleworking 4.5 GB - Price S/15 for 10 days, valid for Ms Teams, Webex, Zoom.

Gamer Packages:

  • Price S/3 - Play Free Fire, Free Fire Max and Mobile Legends with 1.5 GB for 3 days.

  • Price S/5 - Play Free Fire, Free Fire Max and Mobile Legends with 3 GB for 7 days.


Company : Movistar
Website :  Movistar

Phone : 104 o 080011800
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Movistar Perú

Movistar Perú is part of the global Movistar brand and provides mobile and Internet services to the people of Peru. With a strong focus on quality and technological advances, Movistar keeps Peruvians connected. With Movistar enjoy the best internet plans and equipment! Stay connected at the best price with Movistar. Movistar Perú is one of the main telecommunications companies in the country, committed to connecting Peruvians and providing high-quality services. As part of the Telefónica Group, Movistar is synonymous with innovation and technology in the field of communications.

Services Offered:

Movistar Perú offers a wide range of services, including mobile telephony, landline telephony, high-speed Internet, and subscription television. Its package and plan offers adapt to the needs of various segments of the population, guaranteeing affordable and quality options.

Commitment to Innovation:

Innovation is a fundamental part of Movistar's DNA. The company has led the implementation of advanced technologies, such as 4G and 4.5G, to provide faster and more reliable connectivity to its customers.

National Coverage:

Movistar Perú is proud of its extensive coverage throughout the country. Its telecommunications networks and towers reach urban and rural areas, allowing even the most remote communities to have access to communication services.

Social Responsibility:

Social responsibility is a priority for Movistar Perú. The company is committed to social impact projects, such as digital education and connectivity in rural areas, thus contributing to the development of the country.


Movistar Perú is a driving force in the telecommunications industry in the country. Its focus on innovation, extensive national coverage, and its commitment to social responsibility make it a comprehensive company that not only provides quality services but also contributes to the progress of Peruvian society through connectivity.

Plans :

  • 10GB plan:

    Cost: S/29.90 per month.

    Benefits: PhoneTe calls, data duplication for 3 months (only available for portability), unlimited applications for 12 months, 100MB international data in America and Europe.

  • 25GB plan:

    Cost: S/39.90 per month.

    Benefits: PhoneTe calls, 30GB bonus for TikTok for 3 months, unlimited applications for 12 months, 1GB international data in America and Europe.

  • 50GB Postpaid Plan:

    Cost: S/44.72 per month for 3 months (20% discount).

    Benefits: PhoneTe calls, unlimited applications for 12 months, 2GB international data in America and Europe.

  • 95GB Unlimited Postpaid Plan:

    Cost: S/55.92 per month for 3 months (20% discount).

    Benefits: PhoneTe calls, unlimited internet and calls, 3GB international data in America and Europe.

  • Unlimited 130GB Postpaid Plan:

    Cost: S/79.92 per month for 3 months (20% discount).

    Benefits: PhoneTe calls, unlimited internet and calls, 5GB international data in America and Europe.

  • 130GB Unlimited Plan:

    High speed.

    Promotional cost: S/79.92 per month for 3 months (20% discount).

    Regular price: S/99.90 per month.

    Benefits: PhoneTe calls, unlimited internet and calls, 5GB international data in America and Europe.

Prepaid : Plan 1: Before: 650MB. Now: 700MB. Duration: S/6 x 6 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp)

  • Instagram Full in 4G

  • 1GB Free TikTok and YouTube (valid for 3 days)

  • Unlimited x 3 days in Freefire.

Plan 2: Before: 850MB. Now: 1.1GB. Duration: S/8 x 8 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram)

  • Unlimited for 3 days on TikTok, YouTube and Spotify (valid on 4G)

  • Unlimited x 5 days in Freefire.

Plan 3: Before: 900MB. Now: 1.2GB. Duration: S/9 x 9 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram)

  • Unlimited for 3 days on TikTok, YouTube and Spotify (valid on 4G)

  • Unlimited x 5 days in Freefire.

Plan 4: Before: 1.5GB. Now: 2.5GB. Duration: S/15 x 15 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram)

  • Unlimited for 3 days on TikTok, YouTube and Spotify (valid on 4G)

  • Unlimited x 15 days in Freefire.

Plan 5: Before: 1.5GB. Now: 4GB. Duration: S/20 x 20 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram)

  • Unlimited for 3 days on TikTok, YouTube and Spotify (valid on 4G)

  • Unlimited x 20 days in Freefire.

Plan 6: Before: 2.5GB. Now: 4.5GB. Duration: S/25 x 25 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram)

  • Unlimited for 3 days on TikTok, YouTube and Spotify (valid on 4G)

  • Unlimited x 25 days in Freefire.

Plan 7: Before: 3.5GB. Now: 7GB. Duration: S/30 x 30 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram)

  • Unlimited for 3 days on TikTok, YouTube and Spotify (valid on 4G)

  • Unlimited x 30 days in Freefire.

Plan 8: Before: 600MB. Now: 650MB. Duration: S/5 x 5 Days.


  • Unlimited calls, SMS, Apps (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp)

  • Instagram Full in 4G

  • 1GB Free TikTok and YouTube (valid for 3 days)


Company : Entel
Website :  Entel

Phone : 0800-09001 / 123
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Entel Perú

Entel Perú is a key player in Peru's telecommunications industry and offers mobile and Internet services. Their dedication to expanding coverage and quality of service benefits consumers and businesses. Remember that you can change operators without losing your number and the portability process is quick and free. Entel Perú is a prominent telecommunications company that offers a wide range of connectivity services nationwide. Committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, Entel has become a benchmark in the Peruvian telecommunications market.

Services Offered:

Entel Perú provides mobile telephone services, landline telephone services, high-speed Internet, and business solutions. Its plans and packages are designed to meet the needs of individual and business customers, offering reliable connectivity at all times.

Commitment to Innovation:

Innovation is one of the fundamental pillars of Entel. The company invests in cutting-edge technology and the expansion of its infrastructure to provide high-quality services and adapt to changing market demands.

National Coverage:

Entel Perú is proud of its extensive coverage throughout the country. Its communication networks and towers reach urban and rural areas, ensuring that Peruvians, regardless of their location, can benefit from its telecommunications services.

Business Solutions:

Entel Perú offers connectivity and telecommunications solutions for companies, which include voice, data, and secure connectivity services. This has made Entel a strategic partner for numerous companies in the country.

Social Responsibility:

Entel Perú is committed to social responsibility, participating in projects that positively impact society, such as digital education and the promotion of digital inclusion in underserved communities.


Entel Perú is a leading company in the telecommunications sector in the country. Its focus on innovation, broad national coverage, and commitment to social responsibility make it a reliable option for individuals and companies seeking high-quality connectivity solutions in Peru.

Plans :

  • Entel Chip+ Plan 29.90:

    10 GB of high speed data.

    Double the GB during the first 3 months.

    1 additional GB during the first month.

    Unlimited Apps: WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Waze and Instagram.

    Unlimited calls within the Entel network.

    500 SMS.

    Cost: S/ 29.90/month.

  • Entel Chip+ Plan 39.90:

    25 GB of high speed data.

    Additional 50 GB during the first 6 months.

    Unlimited Apps: WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Waze, Instagram and TikTok.

    Unlimited calls within the Entel network.

    500 SMS.

    Cost: S/ 39.90/month.

  • Entel Power+ Plan 59.90:

    75 GB of high speed data.

    Unlimited Apps: WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Waze, Instagram, Spotify and Apple Music.

    Unlimited calls within the Entel network.

    500 SMS.

    20% discount for the first 6 months (later S/ 59.90).

    Cost: S/ 47.92/month.

  • Entel Power+ Plan 74.90:

    120 GB of high speed data.

    Unlimited Apps: WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Waze, Instagram, Spotify and Apple Music.

    Unlimited calls within the Entel network.

    500 SMS.

    20% discount for the first 6 months (later S/ 74.90).

    Cost: S/ 59.92/month.

  • Entel Power Plan 89.90 SD:

    Unlimited high speed Internet.

    Unlimited calls within the Entel network.

    500 SMS.

    20% discount for the first 6 months (later S/ 89.90).

    Cost: S/ 71.92/month.

Prepaid : Regular recharge S/ 3: Duration: 1 day.
  • 50MB of data
Recharge POWER S/ 3: Duration: 2 days.
  • 200MB of data
Regular recharge S/ 5: Duration: 3 days.
  • 200MB of data
  • 1GB additional*
Recharge POWER S/ 5: Duration: 5 days.
  • 650MB of data
  • 1GB additional*
Regular recharge S/ 7: Duration: 3 days.
  • Data: 280 MB
  • Bonus: additional 7GB*
  • Minutes: UNLIMITED
Recharge POWER S/ 7: Duration: 7 days.
  • Data: 2 GB
  • Bonus: additional 7GB*
  • Minutes: UNLIMITED
Regular Recharge S/ 10: Validity: 7 days.
  • Data: 500 MB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited
Recharge Power S/ 10: Validity: 15 days.
  • Data: 2.5 GB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited
Regular Recharge S/ 15: Validity: 7 days.
  • Data: 500 MB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited
Recharge Power S/ 15: Validity: 15 days.
  • Data: 4 GB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited
Regular Recharge S/ 20: Validity: 7 days.
  • Data: 500 MB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited
Recharge Power S/ 20: Validity: 30 days.
  • Data: 6 GB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited
Regular Recharge S/ 29: Validity: 7 days.
  • Data: 500 MB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited
Recharge Power S/ 29: Validity: 30 days.
  • Data: 10 GB
  • Bonus: 10 additional GB
  • Minutes: Unlimited


Company : Bitel
Website :  Bitel

Phone : (+51) 930 123 123 / 0800 79799
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Bitel Peru

Bitel Peru is a dynamic telecommunications company known for its mobile and internet services. Their innovative solutions have expanded connectivity across Peru. Bitel Peru is a prominent player in the nation's telecommunications sector, offering a wide range of services designed to connect people and empower businesses. As one of the fastest-growing telecom providers in the country, Bitel is known for its commitment to innovation, affordability, and customer satisfaction.

About Bitel:

Bitel, short for "Bienvenidos al futuro" (Welcome to the future), is a subsidiary of Viettel Group, a global telecommunications company based in Vietnam. Since its entry into the Peruvian market, Bitel has rapidly expanded its network and services, becoming a household name.

Network Coverage:

Bitel boasts an extensive network that covers a significant portion of Peru. With a strong presence in both urban and rural areas, Bitel ensures that connectivity reaches all corners of the nation, even in remote locations.


Bitel provides a comprehensive set of services, including mobile phone plans, home internet, and corporate solutions. Whether you're an individual seeking an affordable mobile plan or a business in need of robust connectivity, Bitel has you covered.

Customer-Centric Approach:

Bitel is renowned for its customer-centric approach. They prioritize customer satisfaction and offer competitive plans that cater to different needs and budgets. Their transparent pricing and efficient customer service have earned them a loyal customer base.

Expanding the Digital Landscape:

Bitel is not only connecting people but also expanding Peru's digital landscape. They have invested in infrastructure to deliver high-speed internet to homes and businesses. This has facilitated the digital transformation of industries and individuals across the nation.

Social Responsibility:

Bitel is actively engaged in social responsibility initiatives. They work on projects that promote digital literacy, connectivity, and access to technology for underserved communities, contributing to the development of Peru.

Contact Bitel:

If you're in Peru and looking for a reliable telecom provider, Bitel is just a call away. Connect with Bitel and explore their range of services designed to meet your communication and internet needs.

Plans :

  • Unlimited Plan 69.90:

    Data capacity: 90GB.

    Monthly price: S/69.90.

    Unlimited everything: Calls, SMS and Internet.

  • Mero 39.90 Plan:

    Data capacity: Up to 62GB (2GB daily at high speed).

    Monthly price: S/39.90.

    SMS: Unlimited TDN (All National Destination).

    Calls: unlimited TDN.

  • Mero 49.90 Plan:

    Data capacity: Up to 93GB (3GB daily at high speed).

    Monthly price: S/49.90.

    Unlimited everything: Calls and SMS.

  • Flash Plan 29.90:

    Capacity: 15GB of high-speed data.

    Price: S/29.90.

    Benefits: Unlimited SMS (unlimited TDN).

    Unlimited calls (unlimited TDN).

  • Basic Plan 19.90:

    Capacity: 2GB of high-speed data.

    Price: S/19.90.

    Benefits: Unlimited calls (unlimited TDN).

    Unlimited SMS (unlimited TDN).

Prepaid :

  • Chip Bifri 10 Plan:

    Data capacity: 2.5GB.

    Price: S/10.00 for 10 days.

    Unlimited everything: Calls and SMS.

    Chat applications included: WhatsApp.

    Social networks included: Facebook and Instagram.

    Other apps included: YouTube, Viki, America tvGO and TikTok.

    Entertainment included: Call of Duty, Freefire, Brawl Stars and Pokémon Go.

  • Bifri Chip 5:

    Capacity of 650 MB of data at high speed.

    Price of S/5.00 for a period of 5 days.

    Unlimited SMS for 5 days.

    Unlimited calls for 5 days.

  • Tourist Plan:

    7GB high speed data capacity.

    Price of S/20.00 for a period of 7 days.

    Unlimited calls and texts in Zone 1.


Company : OSIPTEL
Website :  OSIPTEL

Phone : (+51) 225 1313
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube
Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL)

Connecting Peru: OSIPTEL, Your Telecommunications Supervisor

OSIPTEL Perú, or Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications, is the regulatory body responsible for supervising private investment in the telecommunications sector in Peru. OSIPTEL plays a crucial role in ensuring that telecommunications services are provided efficiently, fairly and in compliance with regulations. They work to promote a competitive environment, protect consumer interests and encourage investment in the telecommunications industry. OSIPTEL's activities are essential to maintain the integrity and development of Peru's telecommunications sector. It plays a crucial role in the country's telecommunications sector. Founded with the purpose of regulating and supervising private investments in telecommunications, OSIPTEL has been fundamental in the development and expansion of this sector in Peru.

Quality Supervision:

One of the most important functions of OSIPTEL is to guarantee the quality of telecommunications services in Peru. This includes regulating the coverage and quality of mobile networks, Internet speed, and call quality. OSIPTEL works tirelessly to ensure that telecommunications operators meet established quality standards, providing users with high-quality and reliable services.

Regulation of Rates:

OSIPTEL is also responsible for regulating the rates that operators can charge for their services. This includes prices for cell phone plans, Internet packages, and cable TV services. Tariff regulation aims to protect the interests of consumers by ensuring that telecommunications services are affordable and fair.

Promotion of Competition:

A fundamental part of OSIPTEL's work is to promote competition in the telecommunications market. This is achieved by implementing policies that encourage the entry of new operators into the market and prevent anti-competitive practices. OSIPTEL works to ensure that users have a variety of options to choose from and that companies compete based on the quality and prices of their services.

Latest News:

In recent news, OSIPTEL has been working on the implementation of 5G technology in Peru. This promises to revolutionize the speed and capacity of mobile networks in the country, giving users an even faster and more reliable experience. Additionally, OSIPTEL has been promoting digital inclusion in rural and remote areas of Peru, ensuring that all Peruvians have access to quality telecommunications services.

OSIPTEL remains committed to its mission of supervising and regulating the telecommunications sector in Peru. As a defender of consumer rights and a promoter of technological innovation, OSIPTEL plays a crucial role in the development of the country.

Connect with OSIPTEL today!

OSIPTEL is proud to be your telecommunications supervisor in Peru, working to ensure that services are high quality, accessible and competitive. If you want to learn more about their regulations, projects and news, we invite you to visit their website or contact their team. They are here to serve the Peruvian community and keep the country connected!

Phones in Peru

Phones in Peru . (51) Find the best mobile phone companies in Peru. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. PE List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Peru : Lima, Amazonas, Ancash, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huanuco, Ica, Junin, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Pasco, Piura, Puno, San Martin, Tacna, Tumbes, Ucayali

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Peru :






What is the best mobile phone company in Peru?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Peru.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Peru offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Peru 51 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
Peru find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
PE Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
White Pages
Peru Find address and telephones numbers.
51 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. PER
Search in Peru :


iso2 : PE
iso3 : PER
Country : Peru
Lat : -9.19
Long : -75.0152
Population : 32971846
Latitude: -9.19, Longitude: -75.0152, ISO: Peru (PE) - Population : 32971846

ISO-Numeric : 604
Country : Peru
Capital : Lima
Area km2 : 1285220
Population : 31989256
Continent : SA
Internet : .pe
Currency Code : PEN
Currency Name : Sol
Phone : 51
Languages : es-PE,qu,ay
Geo : 3932488
Neighbours countries : EC,CL,BO,BR,CO
Phones in Peru
- Where to find Phones in Peru? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Peru
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
. Find phones in Peru. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones
in Peru. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Peru Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Peru
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- How to call to Peru? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Peru
to find phone numbers in Peru. Where to find people in Peru? How can I find people in Peru? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Peru. Where to search Phones in Peru?
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Maps of Peru - Location and Map of Peru. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones in Peru - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Peru. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
How to find phone numbers in Peru. Search by Mobile Company, Country, City, Phone Number
Phones Peru 2025
Peru’s telecoms market: The state of play BNamericas English
20 cellphones confiscated in 2 days as La Salle-Peru High School rolls out new cellphone policy Shaw Local News Network
Best eSIM for Peru (2025)
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