How to Find Phone Numbers

How to Find Phone Numbers

How to find phone numbers?

- How to Find Cell Phones and Mobile Companies in America
How to find a phone number in America - How to find cell phones in stores and mobile phone companies.
America - Find Mobiles and Phone Companies
America Phones (+355) Search phone numbers and address in the phone book, white pages and yellow pages.
America - Find Mobiles and Phone Companies
Mexico +52 / MX / MEX
US (+1) / US / USA / United States of America Estados Unidos de America
Barbados +1-246 / BB / BRB
Belize +501 / BZ / BLZ = Belice
Bolivia +591 / BO / BOL
Brazil +55 = BR / BRA Brasil
Canada +1 / CA / CAN
Chile +56/ CL / CHL
Colombia = CO / COL / 57
Costa Rica +506 CR / CRC /
Cuba +53 / CU / CUB
Dominican Republic / DO / DOM / +1-809 - Republica Dominicana
Ecuador = EC / ECU / 593
Grenada = GD / GRD / +1-473
Guatemala +502 / GP / GLP
Honduras = HN / HND / 504
Jamaica +1-876 / JM / JAM
the Netherlands Antilles
Paraguay +595 / PY / PRY
Peru +51 / PE / PER
Puerto Rico +1-787 / PR / PRI
Saint Martin
Uruguay +598 / UY / URY
Venezuela +58 / VE / VEN
North America
Central America
South America
Argentina = AR / ARG / 54
the Bahamas = BS / BHS / +1-242
El Salvador = SV / SLV / 503
Haiti = HT / HTI / +509
Nicaragua = NI / NIC / 505
Panama = PA / PAN / 507
Antigua and Barbuda = AG / ATG / +1-268
Dominica = DM / DMA / +1-767
Guyana = GY / GUY / +592
Saint Kitts and Nevis = KN / KNA / +1-869
Santa Lucia / LC / LCA / +1-758
San Vicente y Grenadines = VC / VCT / +1-784
Surinam / SR / SUR / +597
Trinidad and Tobago = TT / TTO / +1-868
Anguilla = AI / AIA / +1-264
Aruba = AW / ABW / +297
Bermuda = BM / BMU / +1-441
British Virgin Islands = VG / VGB / +1-284
Cayman Islands = KY / CYM / +1-345
Islas Malvinas / FK / FLK / +500
French Guiana = / / +
Greenland = GL / GRL / +299
Guadeloupe = / / +
Martinique = / / +
Montserrat = MS / MSR / +1-664
Netherlands Antilles = AN / ANT / +599
Saint Barthelemy = BL / BLM / 590
Saint Martin = MF / MAF / 590 (French)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon = PM / SPM / +508
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands = GS / SGS / +
Turks and Caicos Islands = TC / TCA / +1-649
Directory Phone Book
International Dial Codes
Guide Find Phone Numbers
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Information and Contacts
Phones in America
America Where to search phone numbers in America?
White Pages of America White Pages in America
Yellow Pages of America Yellow Pages in America
Mobile Phone Find Mobile phones in America
Codes and Prefix Area Codes of America
Argentina = AR / ARG / 54
Bahamas, The = BS / BHS / +1-242
El Salvador = SV / SLV / 503
Haiti = HT / HTI / +509
Nicaragua = NI / NIC / 505
Panama = PA / PAN / 507
Puerto Rico
Find Phone Numbers
Phone Mobile Phones and Fixed Telephone Lines
Service code - USA overlay and area codes - US Enhanced 911
Canada 1-800-GOT-JUNK
Phone Numbers in America - Find Telephone numbers
Phone numbers in America
Telephone numbering plan
List of country calling codes
List of NANP area codes
Telephone numbers in North America
Telephone numbers in the Americas in Wikipedia
How can I find people in America? America. -
Where to search mobile phone numbers in America? America.
Where to find the area codes for the cities in America? The directory includes a list of City Dial Codes for America. Use the America list on the menu to find more telephone information for the cities in America.
Where to find white pages in America?
Where to search yellow pages in America? The list of yellow pages in America can be used to find more information to locate for business and other professional services Phone Numbers, Address and more. - List of countries with phone services in the Americas -
The list of countries with mobile phones. Includes sovereign states and dependent territories located in the Americas.
Sovereign states and Countries in America
Antigua and Barbuda  -
Argentina  -
Bahamas  -
Barbados  -
Belize  -
Bolivia  -
Brazil  -
Canada  -
Chile  -
Colombia  -
Costa Rica  -
Cuba  -
Dominica  -
Dominican Republic  -
Ecuador  -
El Salvador  -
Grenada  -
Guatemala  -
Guyana  -
Haiti  -
Honduras  -
Jamaica  -
Mexico  -
Nicaragua  -
Panama  -
Paraguay  -
Peru  -
Saint Kitts and Nevis  -
Saint Lucia  -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  -
Suriname  -
Trinidad and Tobago  -
United States  -
Uruguay  -
Venezuela  -
Dependent territories
Anguilla  -
Aruba  -
United States - Bajo Nuevo Bank
Bermuda  -
British Virgin Islands  -
Cayman Islands  -
France - Clipperton Island
Falkland Islands  -
French Guiana  -
Greenland  -
Guadeloupe  -
Martinique  -
Montserrat  -
United States - Navassa Island
Netherlands Antilles  -
Puerto Rico  -
Saint Barthélemy  -
Saint Martin  -
Saint Pierre and Miquelon  -
United States - Serranilla Bank
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands  -
Turks and Caicos Islands  -
United States Virgin Islands  -
British overseas territory
Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
One of the United States Minor Outlying Islands. By some definitions, Bajo Nuevo and Serranilla Banks are not included in this grouping. They are currently administered by Colombia, and are claimed by several other states.
French overseas territory.
French overseas department.
Part of the Kingdom of Denmark.
Curacao and Bonaire could be argued to be a part of North America or a part of South America
Insular area of the United States.
List of North American countries
List of South American countries
List_of_countries_and_territories_in_the_Americas General Information and updated references.
List of countries in America by population
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