Phones in Honduras

Phones in Honduras

Honduras - Find Mobiles and Phone Companies
Honduras - Find Phone Numbers. Mobile Companies and Packs, Internet Services. List of Country Codes, City and Area Codes. International dial codes. Reverse lookup. Search by phone number.
Honduras - How to dial to Honduras? - The dial code is: +504 to Honduras HN / HND
Honduras - How to dial to Honduras? - The dial code is: +504 to Honduras HN / HND
Honduras - Phone Numbers
Country Code : +504 -
International Call Prefix : 00 -
National Significant Numbers (NSN): eight digits.
Format: +504 2ABC XXXX (fixed lines or +504 YABC XXXX for Y = 3,7,8,9 (mobile)
Number plan
In 2010 fixed telephone numbers in Honduras increased from seven to eight digits by adding the digit 2 at the beginning of all fixed line numbers.
Exchange - Destination - Old numbers - New numbers
Polo Paz - Polo - 200 XXXX - 2200 XXXX
Polo Paz - Polo - 201 XXXX - 2201 XXXX
Res. Centro América - Resca - 209 XXXX - 2209 XXXX
El Picacho - Picac - 211 XXXX - 2211 XXXX
Rdsi Tegucigalpa ( Pri3 ) - Pri3 - 212 XXXX - 2212 XXXX
Telef. Inalámbrica Tegucig. - Inateg - 213 XXXX - 2213 XXXX
Principal 3 - Pri3 - 216 XXXX - 2216 XXXX
Principal 3 - Pri3 - 220 XXXX - 2220 XXXX
Almendros 2 - Alme2 - 221 XXXX - 2221 XXXX
Principal 2 - Pri2 - 222 XXXX - 2222 XXXX
Polo Paz - Polo - 223 XXXX - 2223 XXXX
Cerro Grande - Cerro - 224 XXXX - 2224 XXXX
La Granja - Lgran - 225 XXXX - 2225 XXXX
Loarque - Loarq - 226 XXXX - 2226 XXXX
Res. Centro América - Resca - 227 XXXX - 2227 XXXX
Kennedy 2 Y 1 - Kend2/1 - 228 XXXX - 2228 XXXX
El Ocotal F. M. - Ocotl - 229 XXXX - 2229 XXXX
Kennedy 2 - Kend2 - 230 XXXX - 2230 XXXX
Miraflores 2 - Mir2 - 231 XXXX - 2231 XXXX
Principal 3 - Pri3 - 231 XXXX - 2231 XXXX
Miraflores 2 - Mir2 - 232 XXXX - 2232 XXXX
Toncontín 1 - Tonc1 - 233 XXXX - 2233 XXXX
Toncontín 2 - Tonc2 - 234 XXXX - 2234 XXXX
Miraflores 2 - Mir2 - 235 XXXX - 2235 XXXX
Almendros 1 - Alme1 - 236 XXXX - 2236 XXXX
Principal 2 - Pri2 - 237 XXXX - 2237 XXXX
Principal 2 - Pri2 - 238 XXXX - 2238 XXXX
Miraflores 2 - Mir2 - 239 XXXX - 2239 XXXX
Kennedy 1 - Kend1d - 240 XXXX - 2240 XXXX
La Vega 1 - Lveg1 - 245 XXXX - 2245 XXXX
La Vega 2 - Lveg2 - 246 XXXX - 2246 XXXX
El Hato - Hato - 255 XXXX - 2255 XXXX
Prados Universitarios - Prauni - 257 XXXX - 2257 XXXX
Toncontin 2 - Tonc2 - 290 XXXX - 2290 XXXX
Toncontin 2 - Tonc2 - 291 XXXX - 2291 XXXX
Ceiba 3 - Ceib3 - 423 XXXX - 2423 XXXX
Saba - Saba - 424 XXXX - 2424 XXXX
Utila - Utila - 425 XXXX - 2425 XXXX
San Alejo / Mesapa - Salej/Mesap - 429 XXXX - 2429 XXXX
San Francisco Atlantida - Sfratl - 431 XXXX - 2431 XXXX
Arenal - Arena - 433 XXXX - 2433 XXXX
Trujillo - Truji - 434 XXXX - 2434 XXXX
Oakridge - Oakri - 435 XXXX - 2435 XXXX
La Masica - Masic - 436 XXXX - 2436 XXXX
Bonito Oriental - Bonor - 438 XXXX - 2438 XXXX
Centros Comunitarios - Cencc3 - 439 XXXX - 2439 XXXX
La Ceiba 3 - Ceib3 - 440 XXXX - 2440 XXXX
La Ceiba Miramar - Ceibm - 441 XXXX - 2441 XXXX
La Ceiba 2 - Ceib2 - 442 XXXX - 2442 XXXX
La Ceiba 2 - Ceib2 - 443 XXXX - 2443 XXXX
Tocoa - Tocoa - 444 XXXX - 2444 XXXX
Coxin Hole - Coxin - 445 XXXX - 2445 XXXX
Olanchito - Olanc - 446 XXXX - 2446 XXXX
Tela - Tela - 448 XXXX - 2448 XXXX
Sonaguera - Sonag - 451 XXXX - 2451 XXXX
Coyoles Central - Coyol - 452 XXXX - 2452 XXXX
Guanaja - Guana - 453 XXXX - 2453 XXXX
French Harbour - Frenh - 455 XXXX - 2455 XXXX
Inalámbrica Sps - Inasps - 543 XXXX - 2543 XXXX
Rdsi San Pedro - Sula Rdsi - 544 XXXX - 2544 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 5 - Sps5 - 545 XXXX - 2545 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 5 - Sps5 - 550 XXXX - 2550 XXXX
Monte Prieto - Montp - 551 XXXX - 2551 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 3 - Sps3 - 552 XXXX - 2552 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 3 - Sps3 - 553 XXXX - 2553 XXXX
Monte Prieto - Montp - 554 XXXX - 2554 XXXX
Rivera Hernandez - River - 555 XXXX - 2555 XXXX
La Puerta - Lpuer - 556 XXXX - 2556 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 4 - Sps4 - 557 XXXX - 2557 XXXX
San Pedro Sula 4 Y 5 - Sps4/5 - 558 XXXX - 2558 XXXX
Col. Satélite - Sate1 - 559 XXXX - 2559 XXXX
Chamelecón - Chame - 565 XXXX - 2565 XXXX
Jardines Del Valle - Jardi - 566 XXXX - 2566 XXXX
Zip Búfalo - Zipbu - 574 XXXX - 2574 XXXX
C. Comunitarios - Cencs5 - 640 XXXX - 2640 XXXX
C. Comunitarios - Cencs5 - 641 XXXX - 2641 XXXX
C. Comunitarios - Cencs5 - 642 XXXX - 2642 XXXX
Santa Bárbara - Sbarb - 643 XXXX - 2643 XXXX
Progreso - Progr - 647 XXXX - 2647 XXXX
Progreso/Santa Cruz - Progr - 648 XXXX - 2648 XXXX
S. Manuel/ R. Lindo - Smanu - 650 XXXX - 2650 XXXX
Cucuyagua/Copán - Cucuy - 651 XXXX - 2651 XXXX
Agua Caliente - Aguac - 652 XXXX - 2652 XXXX
Nueva Ocotepeque - Nocot - 653 XXXX - 2653 XXXX
Santa Cruz - Scruz - 654 XXXX - 2654 XXXX
Lepaera/Corquín - Lepae - 655 XXXX - 2655 XXXX
Gracias/S.R.Copán - Graci - 656 XXXX - 2656 XXXX
El Naranjo Sta Bárbara - Narsb - 657 XXXX - 2657 XXXX
Macueliso Omoa/Trascerros - Omoa - 658 XXXX - 2658 XXXX
El Mochito/Quimistán - Mochi - 659 XXXX - 2659 XXXX
Centros Comunitarios - Cuyam - 660 XXXX - 2660 XXXX
La Entrada - Entra - 661 XXXX - 2661 XXXX
Santa Rosa - Srosa - 662 XXXX - 2662 XXXX
S. Marcos Ocotep. - Smaro - 663 XXXX - 2663 XXXX
Cent. Comunitarios - Cencs5 - 664 XXXX - 2664 XXXX
Puerto Cortes - Corte - 665 XXXX - 2665 XXXX
Santa Rita Yoro - Srita - 667 XXXX - 2667 XXXX
La Lima Cortes - Lima - 668 XXXX - 2668 XXXX
Choloma - Cholo - 669 XXXX - 2669 XXXX
Villa Nueva - Villa - 670 XXXX - 2670 XXXX
Yoro - Yoro - 671 XXXX - 2671 XXXX
Cofradía - Cofra - 672 XXXX - 2672 XXXX
Potrerillos - Potre - 673 XXXX - 2673 XXXX
Sulaco / Los Orcones - Sulco - 674 XXXX - 2674 XXXX
La Villa - Villa - 675 XXXX - 2675 XXXX
Potrerillos - Potre - 678 XXXX - 2678 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 680 XXXX - 2680 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 681 XXXX - 2681 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 682 XXXX - 2682 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 683 XXXX - 2683 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 684 XXXX - 2684 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 685 XXXX - 2685 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 686 XXXX - 2686 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 687 XXXX - 2687 XXXX
La Lima 2 - Lima - 688 XXXX - 2688 XXXX
El Negrito - Negri - 690 XXXX - 2690 XXXX
Morazán - Moraz - 691 XXXX - 2691 XXXX
Zip Amarat/Marcala - Marca - 764 XXXX - 2764 XXXX
Valle De Ángeles - Valle - 766 XXXX - 2766 XXXX
Ojojona - Ojona - 767 XXXX - 2767 XXXX
Sabana Grande - Sgran - 768 XXXX - 2768 XXXX
Guaimaca - Guaim - 769 XXXX - 2769 XXXX
Comayagua 2 - Coma2 - 770 XXXX - 2770 XXXX
Com2/Lamani/P. Blan. - Coma2 - 772 XXXX - 2772 XXXX
Siguatepeque - Sigua - 773 XXXX - 2773 XXXX
La Paz - Lapaz - 774 XXXX - 2774 XXXX
Talanga - Talan - 775 XXXX - 2775 XXXX
Zamorano - Zamor - 776 XXXX - 2776 XXXX
Proyecto Ala - Prala - 777 XXXX - 2777 XXXX
Centros Comunitarios - Cencp3 - 778 XXXX - 2778 XXXX
Santa Lucía - Sluci - 779 XXXX - 2779 XXXX
La Esperanza - Laesp - 783 XXXX - 2783 XXXX
La Libertad - Lalib - 784 XXXX - 2784 XXXX
Choluteca 2 - Cholu - 879 XXXX - 2879 XXXX
Choluteca 2 - Cholu - 880 XXXX - 2880 XXXX
San Lorenzo - Slore - 881 XXXX - 2881 XXXX
Choluteca 2 - Cholu - 882 XXXX - 2882 XXXX
Danli - Danli - 883 XXXX - 2883 XXXX
Juticalpa - Jutic - 885 XXXX - 2885 XXXX
Proyecto Ala - Prala - 887 XXXX - 2887 XXXX
S. Marcos /Proy. Ala - Smarc - 888 XXXX - 2888 XXXX
Campamento - Campa - 889 XXXX - 2889 XXXX
S. Franc. De La Paz - Sfpaz - 891 XXXX - 2891 XXXX
Yuscarán - Yusca - 892 XXXX - 2892 XXXX
El Paraíso - Parai - 893 XXXX - 2893 XXXX
Amatillo/Goascorán - Amatio - 894 XXXX - 2894 XXXX
Nacaome/Amapala - Nacao - 895 XXXX - 2895 XXXX
San Fco. De Becerra - Sfbec - 897 XXXX - 2897 XXXX
Domsat - Domsat - 898 XXXX - 2898 XXXX
Catacamas - Catac - 899 XXXX - 2899 XXXX
Changes in 2007 - Mobile telephone numbers in Honduras increased from seven (7) to eight (8) digits. The new dialling instructions are as follows:
Dial 9 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Celtel (Tigo)
Dial 8 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Digicel Honduras
Dial 7 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Hondutel
Dial 3 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Sercom (Claro)
Fixed numbers in Honduras remained unchanged at seven digits in length until 2010.
Telephone numbers in Honduras General Information and Updated References


Company : Claro
Website :  Claro

Phone : (+504) 3390-0000
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Claro in Honduras: Connecting a Nation Through Communication

Claro, a prominent telecommunications company in Honduras, has been a vital part of the country's progress, connecting communities and empowering individuals through seamless communication. With a strong commitment to providing comprehensive services, competitive plans, and cutting-edge technology, Claro continues to make a significant impact on the lives of Hondurans.

A Diverse Range of Services:

  • Claro offers an extensive array of services, including high-speed internet and mobile plans, addressing personal and business communication needs.

  • Their internet packages are known for their reliability and speed, ensuring smooth browsing, streaming, and remote work.

Extensive Coverage:

  • Claro's network coverage spans urban and rural areas in Honduras, ensuring all citizens have access to reliable communication services.

  • They have invested substantially in infrastructure to achieve this expansive coverage.

Competitive and Flexible Tariffs:

  • Claro provides competitive pricing with flexible tariff plans, catering to diverse needs and budgets.

  • They offer various options for high-speed internet, mobile plans, and comprehensive communication packages.

Embracing Technological Advancements:

  • Claro stays at the forefront of technology, introducing new services and features to meet evolving customer demands.

  • Stay updated on Claro's website and social media channels for the latest service offerings and technological advancements.


Claro is not merely a telecommunications provider but a catalyst for connection, innovation, and progress in Honduras. Their commitment to offering top-quality services, expansive coverage, and competitive pricing has earned them the trust of the nation.

In a world where connectivity is key, Claro stands firm in its mission to bring individuals and communities closer together. Choose Claro today and experience the power of seamless communication that transcends geographical boundaries.

Plans :

Control Plan - 30GB of navigation - Price: $21.99 per month:

  • Unlimited Networks.

  • Unlimited calls to the local Claro network, Central America and North America + 350 minutes to other local networks and international destinations.

  • Messages limited to the local Claro network, Central America and North America + 350 messages to other local networks.

  • Internet: 30 GB Base.

  • Includes America Without Borders: Canada to Argentina.

Control Plan - 35GB of navigation - Price: $26.99 per month:

  • Unlimited Networks.

  • Unlimited calls to the local Claro network, Central America and North America + 350 minutes to other local networks and international destinations.

  • Unlimited messages to the local Claro network, Central America and North America + 350 messages to other local networks.

  • Internet: 35 GB Base.

  • Includes America Without Borders: Canada to Argentina.

Control Plan - 45GB of navigation - Price: $31.99 per month.

  • Unlimited Networks.

  • Unlimited calls to all local networks, Central America and North America + 300 minutes to international destinations.

  • Unlimited messages to all local networks, Central America and North America.

  • Internet: 45 GB Base.

  • Includes America Without Borders: Canada to Argentina.

Control Plan - 55GB of navigation - Price: $42.99 per month:

  • Unlimited Networks.

  • Unlimited calls to all local networks, Central America and North America + 300 minutes to international destinations.

  • Unlimited messages to all local networks, Central America and North America.

  • Internet: 55 GB Base.

  • Includes America Without Borders: Canada to Argentina.

Control Plan - 80GB of navigation - Price: $62.99 per month.

  • Unlimited Networks.

  • Unlimited calls to all local networks, Central America and North America + 300 minutes to international destinations.

  • Unlimited messages to all local networks, Central America and North America.

  • Internet: 80 GB Base.

  • Includes America Without Borders: Canada to Argentina.

Prepaid :

All Inclusive Superpack - 2GB of navigation - Price: L27.00 - Valid for 1 day

  • Unlimited Networks

  • Minutes: 15 to other networks and USA

  • Minutes and SMS: Unlimited to the Claro network

All Inclusive Superpack - 6GB of navigation - Price: L53.00 - Valid for 3 days

  • Unlimited Networks

  • Minutes and SMS: Unlimited to the Claro network

  • Minutes: 30 to other networks and USA

All Inclusive Superpack - 12GB of navigation - Price: L104.00 - Valid for 7 days

  • Unlimited Networks

  • Minutes and SMS: Unlimited to the Claro network

  • Minutes: 60 to other networks and USA

All Inclusive Superpack - 15GB of navigation - Price: L150.00 - Validity 10 days

  • Unlimited Networks

  • Minutes and SMS: Unlimited to the Claro network

  • Minutes: 100 to other networks and USA

All Inclusive Superpack - 25GB of navigation - Price: L220.00 - Validity 15 days

  • Unlimited Networks

  • Minutes: 100 to other networks and USA

  • Minutes and SMS: Unlimited to the Claro network


Company : Tigo
Website :  Tigo

Phone : (+504) 9438-5253
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Tigo Honduras: Enabling Connectivity and Communication

Tigo, one of the leading telecommunications companies in Honduras, has been instrumental in the country's progress, bridging gaps and enhancing lives through reliable communication services. Committed to delivering a wide range of services, competitive rates, and cutting-edge technology, Tigo remains at the forefront of the nation's connectivity.

Comprehensive Services:

  • Tigo offers a comprehensive suite of services including high-speed internet, mobile plans, fixed telephony, and more.
  • Their high-speed internet plans are known for their quality and speed, ensuring seamless online experiences.

Expansive Coverage:

  • Tigo boasts a vast network covering urban centers and extending deep into the countryside, ensuring accessible connectivity for all.
  • The company continually invests in infrastructure to guarantee reliable and efficient service across Honduras.

Competitive Tariffs and Flexibility:

  • Tigo stands out with competitive pricing and flexible tariff plans designed to suit diverse needs and budgets.
  • They offer various options for fast internet, mobile plans, and comprehensive communication packages.

Embracing Technological Advancements:

  • In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, Tigo introduces innovative services and features.
  • Stay updated on Tigo's website and social media channels for the latest technological advancements and service improvements.


Tigo is not just a telecommunications provider; it's an enabler of connection, innovation, and progress in Honduras. Their dedication to offering high-quality services, extensive coverage, competitive pricing, and technological advancements has earned them the trust of the nation.

In a world where communication is fundamental, Tigo is leading the way, connecting individuals and communities. Choose Tigo and experience the power of seamless communication that transcends geographic barriers.

Find out how Tigo Honduras enables connectivity and communication in the nation. Learn about Tigo's efforts to provide essential communication solutions, enhance connectivity experiences, and contribute to Honduras' communication infrastructure.

Plans :

Plan 1: 30 GB of data for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo numbers.

  • 350 minutes for calls to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 350 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • No smartphone included.

  • Free Roaming.

  • Available additions: HBO Max, Paramount +, Prime Video, Deezer, Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

Plan 2: 35 GB of data for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo numbers.

  • 350 minutes for calls to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free Roaming.

  • Available additions: HBO Max, Paramount +, Prime Video, Deezer, Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

Plan 3: 45 GB of data for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo numbers.

  • Unlimited minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free Roaming.

  • Available additions: HBO Max, Paramount +, Prime Video, Deezer, Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

Plan 4: 55 GB of data for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo numbers.

  • Unlimited minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free Roaming.

  • Available additions: HBO Max, Paramount +, Prime Video, Deezer, Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

Plan 5: 80 GB of data for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo numbers.

  • Unlimited minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free Roaming.

  • Available additions: HBO Max, Paramount +, Prime Video, Deezer, Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

Prepaid :

Super Refills

Tigo Sports Honduras application icon TV, App and web access. 10 GB of data for browsing. L300 promotional balance. Unlimited calls to other Tigo numbers. WhatsApp unlimited chat. Valid for 7 days.

Packages - Option 1

Tigo Sports Honduras application icon TV, App and web access. Includes games like Free Fire, Clash of Clans, Clash Royale and Candy Crush. 100 minutes for calls to the United States. L.330 promotional balance. Unlimited calls to other Tigo numbers. WhatsApp unlimited chat. Valid for 7 days.

Packages - Option 2

Tigo Sports Honduras application icon TV, App and web access. Includes games like Free Fire and Clash of Clans. Unlimited calls to other Tigo numbers. L.180 promotional balance. WhatsApp unlimited chat. Valid for 3 days.

Packages - Option 3

Tigo Sports Honduras application icon TV, App and web access. 1.5 GB of data for browsing. L.75 promotional balance. Unlimited calls to other Tigo numbers. WhatsApp unlimited chat. Valid for 1 day.

Packages - Option 4

Tigo Sports Honduras application icon TV, App and web access. 5 GB of data to browse. L.150 promotional balance. Unlimited calls to other Tigo numbers. WhatsApp unlimited chat. Valid for 3 days.

Cable Color

Company : Cable Color
Website :  Cable Color

Phone : (+504) 2262-0000 / 2540-1234
Social Networks Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

Cable Color: Delivering Communication and Entertainment

Cable Color has emerged as a prominent telecommunications provider in Honduras, delivering cutting-edge services that connect communities across the nation. This dynamic company has been instrumental in the digital transformation of Honduras.

Comprehensive Services:

  • Cable Color offers a suite of services including high-speed internet, cable TV, and fixed telephony.
  • Their high-speed internet plans are renowned for their quality, offering lightning-fast connections for households and businesses.

Expansive Coverage:

  • Cable Color's network reach covers both urban centers and remote regions, ensuring even isolated communities have reliable telecommunications services.
  • This broad coverage fosters digital inclusion across the nation.

Competitive Tariffs and Flexibility:

  • Cable Color offers competitive pricing and flexible tariff plans catering to diverse needs and budgets.
  • From affordable home internet packages to comprehensive business communication solutions, Cable Color provides a range of offerings.

Pioneering Technological Advancements:

  • Cable Color leads with innovation, staying ahead in technological developments within the industry.
  • Stay updated on their website and social media channels for the latest advancements in telecommunications.


Cable Color has transformed Honduras through its dedication to high-quality services, extensive coverage, competitive pricing, and technological innovation. Their mission to connect communities and foster digital inclusion is evident in their broad network and range of services.

In a world driven by technology, Cable Color is at the forefront, enabling connectivity and communication. Opt for Cable Color and experience the transformative power of telecommunications across Honduras.

Explore how Cable Color is delivering communication and entertainment services in Honduras. Learn about Cable Color's role in providing cable television, internet services, and connectivity solutions.

Plans :

2PLAY $20:

  • Includes 10MB of Residential Internet.

  • Analog Cable TV.

2PLAY $29:

  • Includes 20MB of Residential Internet.

  • Analog Cable TV.

3PLAY $30:

  • Includes 30MB of Residential Internet.

  • Analog Cable TV.

  • 1 Digital Box.

  • 1 HD Package.

3PLAY HD $37:

  • Includes 55MB of Residential Internet.

  • Analog Cable TV.

  • 2 Digital Boxes.

  • 2 HD Packages.


  • Includes 60MB of Residential Internet.

  • Analog Cable TV.

  • 2 Digital Boxes.

  • 2 HD Packages.

  • CCVEO App.


  • Includes 65MB of Residential Internet.

  • Analog Cable TV.

  • 2 Digital Boxes.

  • 2 HD Packages.

  • CCVEO App.


Company : Hondutel
Website :  Hondutel

Phone : 800-2220-1100 / 2228-5000 / 2230-8990
Social Networks Twitter LinkedIn

Hondutel: Bridging Honduras with Telecommunications

Hondutel stands as a pivotal player in Honduras' telecommunications landscape, dedicated to connecting communities across the nation. This state-owned enterprise has been a cornerstone of communication in Honduras for many years.

Comprehensive Services

  • Hondutel offers a wide array of telecommunications services, including fixed-line telephony, internet connectivity, and data transmission, catering to both residential customers and businesses.

  • Their telecommunication solutions support essential connectivity needs.

Nationwide Coverage

  • Hondutel's network spans the entire nation, serving urban areas as well as remote regions of Honduras.

  • Their commitment to expanding coverage has been integral in bridging the digital divide.

Competitive Pricing and Flexibility

  • Hondutel's tariff plans are designed to be competitive and flexible, understanding the varied needs of their customers and providing suitable options for both individual households and larger corporate clients.

Promoting Connectivity

  • Hondutel plays a crucial role in supporting the Honduran government's mission to promote digital inclusion, ensuring that even the most remote communities have access to essential telecommunications services.


  • Hondutel remains a cornerstone of telecommunications in Honduras, serving as a vital link in connecting the nation.

  • Through their extensive coverage, comprehensive services, competitive pricing, and commitment to digital inclusion, Hondutel continues to play a significant role in Honduras' telecommunications landscape.

As Honduras embraces the digital age, Hondutel stands as a steadfast partner in ensuring that every citizen, no matter where they are located, can enjoy the benefits of connectivity and communication.

Discover how Hondutel is bridging Honduras with telecommunications. Learn about Hondutel's commitment to providing communication services, expanding connectivity, and contributing to the development of Honduras' communication sector.

Plans :

PLAN $21.99:

  • Includes 30 GB for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo.

  • 350 minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 350 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Access to HBO Max, Paramount+, Prime Video, Deezer and Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

  • Does not include smartphone or free roaming.

PLAN $26.99:

  • Includes 35 GB for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo.

  • 350 minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free roaming.

  • Access to HBO Max, Paramount+, Prime Video, Deezer and Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

PLAN $31.99:

  • Includes 45 GB for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo.

  • Unlimited minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free roaming.

  • Access to HBO Max, Paramount+, Prime Video, Deezer and Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

PLAN $42.99:

  • Includes 55 GB for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo.

  • Unlimited minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free roaming.

  • Access to HBO Max, Paramount+, Prime Video, Deezer and Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

PLAN $59.99:

  • Includes 80 GB for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo.

  • Unlimited minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free roaming.

  • Access to HBO Max, Paramount+, Prime Video, Deezer and Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

PLAN $89.99:

  • Includes 90 GB for browsing.

  • Unlimited calls to Tigo.

  • Unlimited minutes to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • 2000 SMS to all national networks, USA and Canada.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp chat.

  • Unlimited Facebook.

  • Smartphone included.

  • Free roaming.

  • Access to HBO Max, Paramount+, Prime Video, Deezer and Amazon Music.

  • Validity: 30 days.

Prepaid :


Includes 10 GB for browsing, L. 300 promotional balance, unlimited calls to Tigo, unlimited WhatsApp chat. Validity: 7 days. Price: L. 108.00.

GAMER PRO 12 GB + 1 GB for TikTok and Youtube

Includes the games Free Fire, Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Candy Crush, 100 minutes to the USA, 330 promotional minutes, unlimited calls to Tigo, unlimited WhatsApp chat. Validity: 7 days. Price: L. 115.00.

GAMER PRO 6 GB + 1 GB for TikTok

Includes Free Fire games, Clash of Clans, unlimited calls to Tigo, L. 180 promotional balance, unlimited WhatsApp chat. Validity: 3 days. Price: L. 60.00.


Includes 1.5 GB to browse, L. 75 promotional balance, unlimited calls to Tigo, unlimited WhatsApp chat. Validity: 1 day. Price: L. 29.00.


Includes 5 GB for browsing, L. 150 promotional balance, unlimited calls to Tigo, unlimited WhatsApp chat. Validity: 3 days. Price: L. 55.00.


Company : CONATEL
Website :

Phone : (+504) 2232-9600
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

CONATEL: Advancing Telecommunications in Honduras

CONATEL (National Telecommunications Commission) is a crucial institution in Honduras dedicated to regulating and promoting the development of telecommunications in the country.

Various Services

  • CONATEL supervises and regulates a sector that includes landline, mobile, and internet telephony, ensuring quality services accessible to the Honduran population.

  • Their work is vital in ensuring citizens can communicate and access information.

Regulation and Standards

  • CONATEL establishes regulations and policies that govern telecommunications companies, creating a healthy competitive environment and ensuring users receive quality services.

Infrastructure Development

  • CONATEL collaborates closely with telecommunications providers and companies to expand the country's communications infrastructure, including mobile telephone networks and internet access.

Coverage and Challenges

  • Over the years, CONATEL has played a vital role in expanding coverage, reducing the digital divide in remote areas of Honduras. However, challenges remain to ensure quality telecommunications services reach all Hondurans.


  • CONATEL's work reflects in the continuous improvement of connectivity and access to telecommunications throughout Honduras.

  • Through regulation, infrastructure development, and the promotion of quality services, CONATEL plays a crucial role in the nation's well-being and progress.

As Honduras continues to advance in the digital era, CONATEL remains an important player, dedicated to achieving broader and more effective communication for all its citizens.

Phones in Honduras

Phones in Honduras . (504) Find the best mobile phone companies in Honduras. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. HN List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Honduras : Atlantida, Choluteca, Colon, Comayagua, Copan, Cortes, El Paraiso, Francisco Morazan, Gracias a Dios, Intibuca, Islas de la Bahia, La Paz, Lempira, Ocotepeque, Olancho, Santa Barbara, Valle, Yoro

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Honduras :



Cable Color



What is the best mobile phone company in Honduras?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Honduras.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Honduras offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Honduras 504 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
Honduras find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
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White Pages
Honduras Find address and telephones numbers.
504 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. HND
Search in Honduras :


iso2 : HN
iso3 : HND
Country : Honduras
Lat : 15.2
Long : -86.2419
Population : 9904608
Latitude: 15.2, Longitude: -86.2419, ISO: Honduras (HN) - Population : 9904608

ISO-Numeric : 340
Country : Honduras
Capital : Tegucigalpa
Area km2 : 112090
Population : 9587522
Continent : NA
Internet : .hn
Currency Code : HNL
Currency Name : Lempira
Phone : 504
Postal Code Format : @@####
Postal Code Regex : ^([A-Z]{2}\d{4})$
Languages : es-HN,cab,miq
Geo : 3608932
Neighbours countries : GT,NI,SV
Phones in Honduras
- Where to find Phones in Honduras? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Honduras
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
. Find phones in Honduras. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones
in Honduras. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Honduras Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Honduras
to locate Phones in Honduras Business Directory. Where to search business in Honduras? Use the list of yellow pages in Honduras to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Honduras.
- How to call to Honduras? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Honduras
to find phone numbers in Honduras. Where to find people in Honduras? How can I find people in Honduras? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Honduras. Where to search Phones in Honduras?
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Maps of Honduras - Location and Map of Honduras. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones in Honduras - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Honduras. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
How to find phone numbers in Honduras. Search by Mobile Company, Country, City, Phone Number
Phones Honduras 2025
Honduras' telecom market: The state-of-play BNamericas English
Honduras following in on El Salvador's example of tackling crime MercoPress
Burner phones, aliases, code words: The secret networks that women use to circumvent Honduras' abortion ban CBS News
Security Forces Combat Escalating Violence in Honduras