Phones in Europe

Phones in Europe


America - Cell Phones and Mobile Companies
Europe America - Find Phone Numbers. Mobile Companies and Packs, Internet Services. List of Country Codes, City and Area Codes. International dial codes. Reverse lookup. Search by phone number.
Europe Mobile Phones in America. Compare cell phones, prices, plans and packages in mobile phone companies.
Germany Berlin 49+30
Germany Bonn 49+228
Germany Frankfurt 49+69
Germany Frankfurt Oder 49+335
Germany Hamburgo 49+40
Germany Leipzig 49+341
Germany Munich 49+89
Austria Linz 43+732
Austria Salzburgo 43+662
Austria St. Polten 43+2742
Austria Vienna 43+11
Belgium Amberes 32+3
Belgium Bruselas 32+2
Belgium La Louviere 32+64
Belgium Lieja 32+42/43
Belgium Mechelen 32+15
Belgium Namur 32+81
Czech Rep. Ostrava 359+69
Czech Rep. Pizen 359+19
Czech Rep. Praga 359+2
Spain Barcelona 34+93
Spain La Coruña 34+981
Spain Madrid 34+91
Spain Salamanca 34+923
Spain Sevilla 34+954
Spain Valencia 34+960
Spain Zaragoza 34+976
Finland Helsinki 358+9
Finland Lahti 358+3
France Bordeaux 33+556-557
France Lille 33+320
France Lyon 33+472-478
France Marsella 33+491
France Paris 33+1
France Toulouse 33+5
Greece Atenas 30+1
Greece Corinthos 30+741
Netherlands Amsterdam 31+20
Netherlands La Haya 31+70
Netherlands Rotterdam 31+10
Hungary Budapest 36+1
Ireland Cork 353+21
Ireland Dublin 353+1
Italy Florencia 39+055
Italy Genova 39+010
Italy Milan 39+02
Italy Napoles 39+081
Italy Pisa 39+050
Italy Roma 39+06
Italy Venecia 39+041
Norway Bergen 47+5
Norway Oslo 47+2
Norway Skien 47+35
Poland Varsovia 48+22
Portugal Braga 351+253
Portugal Coimbra 351+239
Portugal Lisboa 351+21
Portugal Porto 351+22
UK, Bradford 44+1274
UK, Bristol 44+117
UK, Cardiff 44+29-20
UK, Ipswish 44+1473
UK, Liverpool 44+151
UK, Londres (Inner) 44+20-7
UK, Londres (Outer) 44+20-8
UK, Manchester 44+161
UK, New Castle 44+191
Romania Bucarest 40+1
Sweden Estocolmo 46+8
Sweden Goteborg 46+31
Sweden Malmo 46+40
Sweden Norrkoping 46+11
Sweden Vasteras 46+21
Switzerland Bern 41+31/34
Switzerland Ginebra 41+22
Switzerland Lausanne 41+21/24
Switzerland Lucerna 41+41
Switzerland Montreux 41+21
Switzerland Zurich 41+1

Europe :

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Europe :
What is the best mobile phone company in Europe?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Europe.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Europe offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Europe 0 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
Europe find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
Europe Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
White Pages
Europe Find address and telephones numbers.
0 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. Europe
Search in Europe :

Phones in Europe
- Where to find Phones in Europe? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Europe
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
. Find phones in Europe. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones
in Europe. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Europe Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Europe
to locate Phones in Europe Business Directory. Where to search business in Europe? Use the list of yellow pages in Europe to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Europe.
- How to call to Europe? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Europe
to find phone numbers in Europe. Where to find people in Europe? How can I find people in Europe? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Europe. Where to search Phones in Europe?
can I find a phone number in Europe ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
Maps of Europe - Location and Map of Europe. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones in Europe - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Europe. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
How to find phone numbers in Europe. Search by Mobile Company, Country, City, Phone Number
America Phones List of international phones and dial codes by country and continent in : Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Pacific


America Phones - List of Dial Codes by Country
How to call from America?- Dialling codes to America - How to Find Phone Area Codes
Search telephone numbers in America. Locate a phone code by city America Phones . Phone Numbers in America Phones

Country Codes

List of country codes of the world by name and dial code.
Find by country or dial code.
Albania Phones (+355) AL / ALB
Austria Phones (+43) AT / AUT
Belgium Phones (+32) BE / BEL
Bulgaria Phones (+359) BG / BGR
Croatia Phones (+385) HR / HRV
Cyprus Phones (+357) CY / CYP
Czech Republic Phones (+420) CZ / CZE
Denmark Phones (+45) DK / DNK
Estonia Phones (+372) EE / EST
Finland Phones (+358) FI / FIN
France Phones (+33) FR / FRA
Germany Phones (+49) DE / DEU
Greece Phones (+30) GR / GRC
Hungary Phones (+36) HU / HUN
Iceland Phones (+354) IS / IS
Ireland Phones (+353) IE / IRL
Italy Phones (+39) IT / ITA
Latvia Phones (+371) LV / LVA
Liechtenstein Phones (+423) LI / LIE
Lithuania Phones (+370) LT / LTU
Luxembourg Phones (+352) LU / LUX
Malta Phones (+356) MT / MLT
Monaco Phones (+377) MC / MCO
Netherlands Phones (+31) NL / NLD
Norway Phones (+47) NO / NOR
Poland Phones (+48) PL / POL
Portugal Phones (+351) PT / PRT
Romania Phones (+40) RO / ROU
Russia Phones (+7) RU / RUS
Slovakia Phones (+421) SK / SVK
Slovenia Phones (+386) SI / SVN
Spain Phones (+34) ES / ESP
Sweden Phones (+46) SE / SWE
Switzerland Phones (+41) CH / CHE
Switzerland Phones (+41) CH / CHE
Turkey Phones (+90) TR / TUR
UK Phones (+44) GB / GBR
United Kingdom Phones (+44) GB / GBR
Great Britain Phones (+44) GB / GBR
Andorra Phones (+376) AD / AND
Armenia Phones (+374) AM / ARM
Azerbaijan Phones (+994) AZ / AZE
Belarus Phones (+375) BY / BLR
Bosnia and Herzegovina Phones (+387) BA / BIH
Georgia Phones (+995) GE / GEO
Gibraltar Phones (+350) GI / GIB
Isle of Man Phones (+) IM / IMN
Jersey Phones (+) JE / JEY
Kazakhstan Phones (+7) KZ / KAZ
Kosovo Phones (+381) KV /
Macedonia Phones (+389) MK / MKD
Moldova Phones (+373) MD / MDA
Montenegro Phones (+382) ME / MNE
San Marino Phones (+378) SM / SMR
Serbia Phones (+381) RS / SRB
Ukraine Phones (+380) UA / UA
Vatican City Phones (+379) VA / VAT
Holland Phones (+31) NL / NLD
Europe Phones (+) Mobile directory of Europe
Faroe Islands Phones (+298) FO

International Dial Codes in America Phones

How can I find a phone number in America? Use the phone book guide in the phone companies, and the directory of white pages or yellow pages.
How to dial to America?
Dial: (international calling prefix) + (country code ) + (area code) + (phone number) America Phones
How to call to mobile phones in America? Locate the Operators in the zone and code to find the cell phone codes near the city or area. Follow the dial instructions.
How to dial from America?
Dial the international access prefix (00 or similar), country code and the destination phone number. Dialing from America
List of dial codes of America by city and area code. America Prefix. List of Prefixes by city. Reverse lookup: Country Codes
Phones Europe 2025
Putin-Trump phone call shows 'Europe's time is over', Russia's Medvedev says Reuters
Trump’s Phone Call With Putin Leaves Europe Reeling The New Republic
Press Review - Trump's disregard for Europe confirmed in phone call with Putin over Ukraine FRANCE 24 English
Europe Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones Market Poised openPR